Five Things You Should Know Before You Start a PhD
Feb 24, 2022

Students who apply for Ph.D. positions might be too eager and have a skewed perception of the program. Yes, a doctoral degree may help you advance your knowledge and skills, but you must first determine whether you are qualified to pursue a Ph.D. and choose the right Ph.D. academy for you.

1. Seek information about Ph.D. programs

Based on the chosen undergraduate university, you may receive a certain degree of assistance in choosing a Ph.D. programme. Still, it is usually significantly less than when you enrol yourself into a college. Do not wait for a strategy to be laid out for you by your career centre or department. It is essential to seek it out from career centre counsellors, teachers, and the internet, particularly from graduates from your division who are enrolled in or have completed your preferred Ph.D. programme. In most cases, practical experiences will transcend second-hand information.

2. Get to know your supervisor

In the PhD community and others, it's essential to have an excellent open relationship with your supervisor. It is because they can help you make the most of your PhD and help you through tough times, and according to popular beliefs, it will be tough. Make sure you use the availability of resources well; your supervisors will advise you during your PhD time at the university; they will also guide you for the future - for your next step in your jobs.

3. Network

Networking doesn't mean looking for mentorship among professors; though that is important, we are talking about engaging with people within the PhD community. It will help if you network with dozens of people who have similar interests, you can network with individuals with:
People you can help
People who can help you
People who can tell you where your chosen field is headed
People who know where the work is/are
People who apply for money set the job requirements to spend that money

4. What You Study During Graduation Does Not Dictate Your Current Research

One of the significant misconceptions about a Ph.D. is that: "I will have to continue with XYZ because XYZ is what I've been working on for the past few years." Nevertheless, researchers fail to understand research your own, making it one of the best aspects of the Ph.D. program. For instance, you may be learning the conductivity of various battery designs, but that doesn't mean your Ph.D. project must revolve around similar lines. You may find that you value the alternative analysis and dedicate your Ph.D. to it. Conversely, you might dislike and turn to your previous study area. If you are fortunate enough, you might even uncover a specific topic that comprises both the subject you like and the subject you're discovering.

5. Learn To Accept Failure

Sometimes things won't go according to a set plan, which can be quite often. Nevertheless, no matter how confident and skilled a student is, sometimes experiments fail; it happens whether it is a mistake, an accident or a simple stroke of bad luck. Moreover, the only way to overcome a fear of failure is through exposure and the valuable lesson to accept and learn from them.

Every student has a reason for being a part of the Ph.D. community, and each reason is equally valid and vital. EDAMBA, 'European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration, is an international non-profit making association. It aims at fostering collaboration among Doctoral Programmes in Management and Business Administration. Visit our website for more information.

EDAMBA aims to achieve its mission through three pillars of activity:
1. The Annual Meeting
2. The Summer Research Academy
3. The EDAMBA-EIASM Consortium of Doctoral Supervision

EDAMBA engages in global collaboration across networks
1. European Code of Practice

