
Welcome to the EDAMBA blog.
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  • Doctoral Supervision

  • PhD researchers

  • AACSB and EDAMBA Collaboration

  • Ph.D. Community

  • Doctor of Business Administration Programs

  • Doctoral Programme Directors

  • Doctoral Thesis Competition

  • Worldwide Network Doctoral Programmes

What is a PhD researcher?

What is a PhD?

The word Doctorate of Philosophy or PhD is an acronym of the Latin phrase 'Philosophiae Doctor'. A PhD degree characteristically involves students independently conducting innovative, productive and notable research in a particular field or subject before producing a worthy publication thesis. While few doctorates cover taught components, PhD students are usually evaluated on the superiority and authenticity of the thought proffered in their independent research project.

  • Mar 9, 2021
  • by EDAMBA

Best practices to do time management while doing PhD

That feeling of being on the verge of a deadline and having barely scratched the surface of the required work is terrible. The feeling is so awful that you question, "Why didn't you plan and manage your time better?" at that point when you realize you will not be able to make it. 


  • Mar 15, 2022
  • by Edamba

Tips and Tricks to stay focused on your PhD studies

While retaining physical and emotional health, completing a Ph.D. programme may be exceptionally challenging. Most Ph.D. researchers drop out before completing their degree, resulting in a greater attrition rate.

  • Mar 15, 2022
  • by Edamba

Difference Between a Thesis and a Dissertation?

Are you considering graduate school? You most certainly may have heard that an overall comprehensive paper is a prerequisite to graduate, and you may wonder what precisely the difference between a thesis and a dissertation is. Well, there is a clear difference between the two terms, even though, at times, it is used interchangeably, and it often confuses most individuals. Thesis and dissertation papers are quite similar in structure, as it comprises an introduction, a literary review, body, conclusion, bibliography, and appendix- and that is the end of similarities.

  • Mar 10, 2021
  • by EDAMBA

EDAMBA aims to achieve its mission through three pillars of activity:
1. The Annual Meeting
2. The Summer Research Academy
3. The EDAMBA-EIASM Consortium of Doctoral Supervision

EDAMBA engages in global collaboration across networks
1. European Code of Practice

