16.00-16.10 CEST | Introduction
16:10-17:15 CEST | Dealing with the Demands of Doctoral Training and the Labor Market
a) What new routines have emerged during covid-19 and you believe will remain? Can you give examples of best practice in your institution?
b) What counts as a ‘sufficient’ methodological basis in your doctoral program?
c) Development of Teaching Skills, Research communication skills, Fundraising skills. What are the challenges and solutions?
d) The professional doctorates: labor market symbiosis or cuckoo cub effect?
e) What future for collaborative doctorates
f) Networking and Job Market: Networking and the job market are important pieces of in the professional development of doctoral candidates. What is the current situation? How do you see the future?
g) Have you noted any change in the number, proportion and profile of your international candidates? What are the possible causes for change?
17.15-18:00 | Theme 2: Competing pressures, training and recognition of supervisors
a) What mechanisms are in place to support the work and quality of PhD and Professional
Doctorate supervisors? Internal workshops? Doctoral school workshops? National and International workshops?
b) How is the work of Doctoral Supervisor recognized? Do you have awards for supervision or other mechanism?
c) What are the effects of institutional/economic pressures on faculty in relation to doctoral
Anderson, L., Gold, J., Stewart, J., & Thorpe, R. 2015. A guide to professional doctorates in business and
management: Sage.
Lee, A., & Bongaardt, R. 2021. The Future of Doctoral Research: Routledge.
Taylor, S., Kiley, M., & Holley, K. A. 2020. The Making of Doctoral Supervisors: International Case Studies of Practice: Routledge.
Taylor, S., Kiley, M., & Humphrey, R. 2019. A handbook for doctoral supervisors: Routledge.