Thank you to more than 40 Consortium participants and faculty for an inpsiring consortium at Esade in Barcelona in January 2025. We were pleased to engage with academics from 25 institutions in 13 countries. The final day focused on the DBA and how to ensure quality or supervision and impact with discussion facilitated by Dimitris Assimakopoulos and Ulrich Hommel.
Day 2 of the Consortium has started with Radu Godina presenting the use of AI for research in management and business adminsitration and demonstrating how automated tools cannot identify AI generated content in publications. He went on to discuss how PhD students experience feedback and to facilitate a lively discussion on how PhD and DBA doctoral programmes need to change.

More than 30 Doctoral supervisors and Heads od Doctoral Programmes (PhD and DBA) have registered from EDAMBA members Université Paris Dauphine - PSL, Nord University Business School, Grenoble Ecole de Management, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University, University of Gloucestershire, Corvinus University of Budapest, Kozminski University, University College Dublin, Sveučilište u Rijeci / University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Miksolc and Esade as well as non-members Universidade de Aveiro, Lancaster University, INSEAD, Linköping University, Babson College and Aalto University.