Enhancing Doctoral Supervision Practices for Success
Nov 29, 2023


Pursuing a doctoral degree is an intense yet rewarding journey that requires strong guidance from an experienced supervisor. As research highlights best practices for doctoral supervision, students and advisors can benefit from understanding key secrets to success.

In doctoral education, effective supervision is not merely providing technical guidance; it includes a holistic approach that fosters a supportive and nurturing environment for students to thrive. EDAMBA, the European Doctoral Association for Management and Business Administration, Brussels, recognizes the importance of doctoral supervision and has established a consortium on doctoral supervision dedicated to enhancing the quality of supervision practices.


What is the role of a doctoral supervisor?

A doctoral supervisor serves as a mentor, advisor, and guide to doctoral students They play a crucial role in helping students develop the abilities, knowledge, and expertise required to conduct independent research and successfully complete their doctoral studies. Effective doctoral supervisors provide:

  • Academic Guidance: Supervisors offer valuable insights into research methodologies, theoretical frameworks, and analytical approaches, ensuring that students' research is well-founded and rigorous.

  • Support and Encouragement: The doctoral journey can be demanding and often filled with setbacks. Supervisors provide emotional support and encouragement, helping students maintain motivation and resilience throughout their studies.

  • Feedback and Critique: Supervisors critically evaluate students' work, providing constructive feedback that helps them refine their research and improve their writing skills.

  • Networking Opportunities: Supervisors connect students with experts in their field, opening doors to collaborations and potential career opportunities.

Enhancing Doctoral Supervision Practices

Effective doctoral supervision is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Each student brings unique strengths, challenges, and learning styles to the table. Therefore, supervisors must adapt their approach to suit the individual needs of each student. Here are some key strategies for enhancing supervision practices:

  • Establish Clear Expectations and Goals: Set clear expectations from the outset, defining roles, responsibilities, and timelines. Review progress regularly and adjust goals as when needed.

  • Foster Open Communication: Maintain open channels of communication, encouraging regular discussions and feedback. Create a safe and supportive setting where students feel comfortable expressing their concerns and seeking guidance.

  • Promote Active Engagement: Engage students actively in the supervision process, encouraging them to take ownership of their research and make decisions. Provide opportunities for self-reflection and evaluation.

  • Recognize and Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate students' accomplishments, both big and small. Positive reinforcement fosters motivation and boosts confidence.

Importance of Effective Doctoral Supervision

Effective supervision is not just a matter of ensuring students complete their degrees; it is about cultivating the next generation of scholars and researchers. EDAMBA, Brussels, is a valuable resource for those seeking to enhance such practices.

Our consortium on doctoral supervision provides a wealth of resources for both doctoral students and supervisors. We help you by providing a platform for sharing best practices, conducting research, and developing innovative approaches to doctoral education.
To know more about the consortium or EDAMBA’s extensive platform call us on +32 485 729 359 or write to us at lucy.mori@eiasm.be.

EDAMBA aims to achieve its mission through three pillars of activity:
1. The Annual Meeting
2. The Summer Research Academy
3. The EDAMBA-EIASM Consortium of Doctoral Supervision

EDAMBA engages in global collaboration across networks
1. European Code of Practice

