Invitation to 2023 General Assembly

Dear EDAMBA Member

On behalf of the President, Dimitris Assimakopoulos, and the EDAMBA Executive Committee, I have the pleasure to invite you to the 2023 General Assembly of the European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration.

Exceptionally this year, we have scheduled 2 General Assembly meetings to take place online. This is because the General Assembly is asked to vote on amendments of the EDAMBA statutes. In accordance with Article 7 of the Statutes, we wish to notify you of the date and time for both assembly meetings. 

The first Extraordinary General Assembly meeting will take place on Monday September 4, 2023 at 15.15 while the second General Assembly is scheduled for Monday September 4, 2023 at 15.30.  .

Venue: online

Extraordinary General Assembly Monday September 4, 2023 at 15.15


Approval of modifications to EDAMBA Statutes.

The reason for the Extraordinary General Assembly is to approve the following changes in the EDAMBA Statutes:

1.    New Code for Companies and Associations of 23 March 2019 which replaces title III of the Belgian law of 27 June 1921 on non-profit-making associations, international non-profit-making associations, and foundations

2.    Update of EDAMBA registered address in Belgium and addition of email address and website

3.    Facility to hold General Assembly online

The revised statutes can be viewed here and the changes are highlighted in yellow.

The modifications have been reviewed and approved unanimously by the Executive Committee.

General Assembly Monday September 4, 2023 at 15.15


1.    Opening of the EDAMBA General Assembly

2.    Approval of the minutes of the General Assembly, Online, August 29, 2022 

3.    Report on main EDAMBA activities in 2022-2023     

                    i.        EDAMBA-EIASM CONSORTIUM on Doctoral Supervision and the New Global Research Landscape'

                   ii.        Summer Research Academy

                  iii.        Thesis Competition

4.    EDAMBA Priorities and Projects for 2022-2023

5.    Financial report

                    i.        Annual financial report 2022-2023

                   ii.        Estimated budget 2023-2024

6.    Results of Elections of the Executive Committee 2022-2023

Constitution of the Executive Committee

7.    EDAMBA Membership

8.    Future Annual Meeting

9.    Open questions

10. Closing of the General Assembly

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the Extraordinary General Assembly or the proposed amendments to the statutes.

Looking forward to seeing you in Budapest.

Best wishes,

Lucy Mori

EDAMBA Executive Secretary Elect

On behalf of Dimitris Assimakopoulos, EDAMBA President 

EDAMBA aims to achieve its mission through three pillars of activity:
1. The Annual Meeting
2. The Summer Research Academy
3. The EDAMBA-EIASM Consortium of Doctoral Supervision

EDAMBA engages in global collaboration across networks
1. European Code of Practice

